Highest Quality Chipotle (Hickory Smoked Jalapeno) 1kg to 10kgChipotle chilli's are smoke dried jalapeƱos. Essential to Mexican cuisine, add to chilli, salsas, soups, stews, rubs and marinades. Also adds smokey heat to chocolate
The classic flavour from chipotles bring the mild and earthy spiciness to many dishes in Mexican cuisine. Chipotle chilli's are used to make various salsas and sauces, steep them in liquid to make a smoky marinade. Mix them with cream cheese to make a great dip. Chipotle chilli's can also be ground up and combined with other spices to make a meat marinade known as an Adobo.
The word chipotle, which was also sometimes spelled chilpoctle and chilpotle, comes to English originally from the Nahuatl word chilpoctli by way of Mexican Spanish.