Jalapeno (Red) Chilli Pepper Mash 1ltr to 25ltr
Habanero (Red) Chilli Pepper Mash 1Kg - 1000kg IBC
Hot Chilli

Want to know the hot secret behind your favourite hot sauce?
Pepper mash! Pepper mash is the foundation of some of the worlds most popular hot sauce products, and if youve ever wanted to try and make a great hot sauce yourself then pepper mash is a real must.

Why Fermented ?
Common in the USA and Asia, but hard to find within the EU, we crush the fresh chilli's (usually 85 - 90% of the end product) together with salt and leave this to ferment for 2 to 6 months, or even longer. The flavour from the skins and flesh comes together to provide an intense and rich flavour when cooked.

If the fermentation process has stopped (usually in 2 - 4 months), we ship it as it is. Otherwise vinegar is added (acetic acid 2 - 4%) in small amounts to stop the fermentation process. The production process is simple and quite artisan.
The end result is an ambient, stable (pH under 4) low cost Mash ready for further processing (cooking, filtering or blending) for uses in sauce's, salsa and other condiments as a
competitively priced, year round supply with consistent heat levels.

You can create your hot sauce by adding a combination of vinegar, carrots, apple, tequila, cumin, salt, lime, garlic, cilantro,tomato's, in-fact anything you desire! Go wild and perfect your own perfect hot sauce recipe.

Chilli Wizards Habanero Pepper Mash is made with the finest Indian farm grown chilli peppers.
These peppers are harvested at the peak of ripeness then ground, blended with salt and natural citric acid and then packaged insuring that you receive the freshest flavour possible. 
This pepper juice is of the very highest quality and can be used in any of your culinary or sauce making adventures.
Habanero Pepper heat level 500,000 - 800,000  Scoville Units.

Chilli Wizards mission is to provide the same quality of peppers used by the largest hot sauce producers to the smaller gourmet kitchens and co-packers. Our goal is to inventory this mash so that small volumes of mash can be delivered on demand at a reasonable price.
Chilli Wizards provides Pepper Mash and Paste to sauce makers. We specialize in providing pepper mash in small volumes to small to medium size kitchens, co-packers and sauce makers.

Ingredients: Habanero Chilli Pepper, Salt, Acetic acid (E260).
Once opened transfer to a air tight container such as a glass jar and the product will keep for over 12 month.
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